
Membership Subscription Rates


All subscriptions are due on 1st August.  Playing members who do not pay on the due date may not train or play and should note that they may not be insured. Membership forms can be downloaded from the Documents page – click here.

Life Member : £1,200

10-Year Member : £600

Vice President : Donation (at least equal to a non-player member’s subscription)

Non-Playing Member : £70

Senior Player : £170 (£60 membership and £110 match levies). Standing order option available over 12 months starting 1st September

Development Squad Player : £100 (£60 membership and £40 match levies). Standing order option available over 12 months starting 1st September

Player in full-time or further education : £100 (£60 membership and £40 match levies). Standing order option available over 12 months starting 1st September

Ladies Player (over 16) £115 (£60 membership and £55 match levies). Girls (13-15) £30. Standing order option available over 12 months starting 1st September

Touch Rugby: £30 for over-16s, and £15 for under-16s

Mini/Junior : £110 for first child, and £100 for siblings (can be paid in two parts).

Under 6 : £60

Club Rules

Player Rules

Becoming a member

No person shall be become a member of the club unless that person has completed an application from and that application has been approved by the Director of Membership on behalf of the Executive Committee. A register of names and addresses of all members and a record of latest payments of subscriptions is kept at the clubhouse.

Being a member

We expect all members to observe rugby’s values of Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship, as these are what makes the game special for those who enjoy the environment and culture they create. They define the game and define England Rugby.

Resignation of membership

This must be sent in writing to the Hon. Secretary. Any member not having sent in notice of resignation prior to the date of AGM shall be considered a member for the ensuing year and be liable to pay subscriptions accordingly.


For more information about any of the events or issues listed here please contact the Club.